Part 1
1.Are the transport facilities in your city very good?
Honestly, I wish they were better. I have to walk 20 minutes to the bus stop, and the subway takes another 30 minutes when I get to work. My dream home is a house located right next to a bus stop or subway terminal.
2.Which room does your family spend most of the time in?
My family loves to stay in the living room as this is the only place in the flat where we can do a lot of things together. We play board games, watch films and TV programs. We play cards sometimes and we spend time working on huge puzzles together.
3.Do you live in a house or a flat?
I live in a flat, and my flat is situated in a quiet little neighborhood on the north side of city. My parents first moved there in 2000 when they wanted to start a new life and raise a family.
4.Do you plan to live here for a long time?
Not really! I want to blaze my own trail and live in a place that forces me to reach out and meet new people. I was thinking about moving to Shanghai for a few days to gain a bit more cultural experience of the world.
5.Do you live alone or with your family?
I"m a student at the moment, and I live with my parents. Actually I quite like it, because my mother is the best cook that I know - it"s always wonderful to have a tasty meal after a day of school work. We also talk about our days with each other while we"re enjoying dinner, it just feels good.
6.How long have you lived there?
I"ve lived there for three years and I really love my place. Since it"s on the 11th floor, it"s well ventilated and there is plenty of sunshine. I love to sink into the soft sofa to watch TV and eat snacks. There"s a large shopping centre within 5 minutes" walk so it"s very convenient for me to go shopping, watch movies and eat out. I wish it was my apartment.
7.What do you usually do in your house/flat/room?
At weekends, I spend most of my time studying and sleeping in my room. On weekdays, I spend time in the kitchen, baking some cakes or sweet stuff for my mother. Sometimes, we watch films in the living room. On Sundays, we usually clean the house and do some laundry.
8.Which is your favourite room in your home?
I think it must be my bedroom. My bedroom is not that big but quite neat. There are some posters of Kobe Bryant on the wall because he is my favorite basketball player. My room is kind of a private space for me - I usually play some video games, do my homework and play the guitar in it.
9.What"s the difference between where you are living now and where you lived in the past? (If you want to say you have not lived elsewhere)
I have not moved home at all. I have lived in the same flat since I was born. I love our small place. I have a lot of good memories here, and I treasure them. I"d happily stay here for many more years?
10.What can you see when you look out the window of your room?
I can see the whole community from my window. In the morning, people are going to school or work, everyone is in a hurry. However, in the evening, it is not that fast-paced anymore. I can see parents taking a walk after dinner and children playing games in the neighborhood.
11.Would you be willing to live in the countryside in the future?
In the future, probably. There is a peacefulness I enjoy when visiting the countryside. People there are friendly and always willing to start a conversation. I think when I retire, living in the countryside is a nice option to me.
以上就是新东方在线雅思教研中心给大家整理的雅思口语住宿话题:Accommodation 住宿,希望为参加雅思口语考试的考生们提供参考价值。
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