范文议教授 第1篇
范文议教授 第2篇
范文议教授 第3篇
范文议教授 第4篇
To whom it may concern:
xxx is an extraordinary young woman. as her ap english professor, i have seen many examples of her talent and have long been impressed by her diligence and work ethic. i understand that xxx is applying to the undergraduate program at your school. i would like to recommend her for admission.
xxx has outstanding organizational skills. she is able to successfully complete multiple tasks with favorable results despite deadline pressure. as part of a semester project, she developed an innovative collaborative novel with her classmates. this book is now being considered for publication. xxx not only headed the project, she ensured its success by demonstrating leadership abilities that her classmates both admired and respected.
I must also make note of xxx’s exceptional academic performance. out of a class of 150 students, xxx graduated with honors in the top 10. her above-average performance is a direct result of her hard work and strong focus.
If your undergraduate program is seeking superior candidates with a record of achievement, xxx is an excellent choice. She has consistently demonstrated an ability to rise to any challenge that she must face.
To conclude, I would like to restate my strong recommendation for xxx jackson. If you have any further questions regarding xxx’s ability or this recommendation, please do not hesitate to contact me using the information on this letterhead.
Professor xxx
范文议教授 第5篇
范文议教授 第6篇
To whom it may concern,
As associate professor of the department of life science & engineering at harbin institute of technology (hit), one of the top ten universities in china, i am very pleased to recommend huang zaixing as a worthy candidate for admission into your distinguished postgraduate program.
I knew mr. huang when he came into hit as a freshman and took the zoology & experiment, which is one of the courses that i taught in my department three years ago. later, at the spring semester of the-academic year, he took my course of zoophysiology & experiment. mr. huang has a brilliant academic score. he consistently ranked top ten in his grade during the four years of undergraduate studies. as a quick and active learner, he was excellent in many subjects as far as i know. for example, in the tutorial class of experiment, he anatomized the specimen accurately and rapidly. i also heard that while most students tend to probe teachers with endless inquires about the exams before the finals he seemed to be more concerned about getting the knowledge of each course without regarding the exams.
He mastered english also. he has no difficulty in reading reference and expressing his ideas. as a representative of our department, he went to study science & technology in hong kong university because its teaching language is english. he earned all the credits of the courses that he had selected. in my opinion, the experience in hong kong is very importance for him. and this, i think, will be helpful for him to study abroad.
In a word, i am sure that mr. huang is an outstanding student. he has great potential for interdisciplinary study and research. with his academic excellence and strong motivation, i am sure that he will be qualified for your program. i strongly recommend mr. huang and hope you could give him positive consideration. please feel free to contact with me if you need further information.
Yours truly,
wei biao
范文议教授 第7篇
**大学***院 教授
范文议教授 第8篇
Recommendation Letter
Dear Sir or Madam
I am President of College of Public Health of Shanghai Medical University, one of the most prestigious medical schools in China. Having been a teacher of Health Statistics in Miss Marva Han‘s class, I have known her since 1992. Through years‘ contact, I have gained a profound understanding of her. She has proved herself to be a student of unusual talent and personal charm. Thus I regard it as a personal honor to recommend such a promising young woman to study in your Graduate School.
She was one of the Top 10 students in her home city when entering our university in the year of 1992. But she has never rested on the laurel of her superb college entrance examinations scores. Thanks to her enduring diligence and effective studying habit, she had been a scholarship winner all through the four college years. She was an efficient student, apt to gain the best results within the least time. Her GRE scores can explicitly prove this. What‘s more, her comprehension and analytical abilities had also given me with very deep impression. She could usually bring up thought-provoking questions and constructive suggestions by applying a series of logical reasoning methods such as induction and deduction in her complex reasoning process. All these talents had made her conspicuously outstanding among her peers.
Her graduation thesis Acrilonitrile‘s Toxic Effect on Cytomembrane of Erythrocyte was named First Class Paper by the papers evaluation team for her unique selection of thesis topic, meticulous observations and explicit exposition. Her thesis subject belongs to the domain of environmental toxicology, which has significant guidance to practical applications. This prize-winning thesis cost her four months‘ hard work and had well demonstrated her aptitude to be a conscientious researcher. She was always trying her best to keep abreast with the latest development of her field by all means, for example, she actively attended academic conferences of all sorts such as “Modern Professional Medical Development and Problems”, etc, which also had deeply impressed me.
With her solid academic foundation, conscientious studying and research attitude and many years‘ working experience, along with her good English communicating ability, she has fully prepared herself to be a qualified applicant for a higher level of study and research of her field. I am confident enough to assert that her personal qualities under your famous teaching and research environment will enable this promising young woman to give this world her best performance.
In the end of my letter, I‘d like to say it‘s an honor to recommend such a promising student to study in your prestigious university, and your positive evaluation would be appreciated.
Yours Sincerely
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