Xu Kunlin meets with Vice-Chancellor of Monash University
Xu Kunlin, governor of Jiangsu Province, met with Margaret Gardner, Vice-Chancellor of Monash University in Suzhou on Tuesday.
Xu Kunlin welcomed Margaret Gardner and congratulated Monash University and Southeast University on the 10th anniversary of their cooperation and remarkable achievements.
Xu Kunlin said that education cooperation is an important part of people to people and cultural exchanges between China and Australia, adding that Victoria is the first overseas provincial level region that Jiangsu has twinned, which has brought about close exchanges and fruitful results.
He expects Monash University to establish closer ties with universities, scientific research institutes and enterprises in Jiangsu so as to tap Jiangsu"s complete industrial system, rich science and education resources, and diverse application scenarios, transform and apply more scientific innovation achievements in Jiangsu, provide better services to support enterprise innovation and industrial upgrading in Jiangsu, and help build an industrial science and technology innovation center with global influence.
Jiangsu is willing to join hands with Monash University to further strengthen cooperation between the two sides in basic science and applied science research, high-level talent training, and high-tech industry cooperation, promote the friendly relationship between Jiangsu and Victoria to a new level, and strive to build a model of regional cooperation between China and Australia.
Margaret Gardner said that Monash University will take this visit as a new starting point, give further play to the cooperation with Jiangsu, and actively deepen technology research and development, talent training, and industrial docking around energy, environment, and biomedicine, so as to promote all-round cooperation and exchanges between the two regions, achieve mutual benefit and win-win results in complementary advantages, and benefit the people of the two regions.
- Xu Kunlin meets with Vice-Chancellor of Monash University
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